Flow Meter Measurement

A flow meter is a device used to measure the volume or mass of a gas or liquid. Flow meters are referred to by many names, such as flow gauge, flow indicator, liquid meter, flow rate sensor, etc. depending on the particular industry. However, they all measure flow. Improving the precision, accuracy, and resolution of fluid measurement are the greatest benefits of the best flow meters.We sell quality flowmeter products from leading brands that are often used by the industry at the best price offers. We also sell all types of instrumentations such as pressure switch, pressure sensor, pressure gauge, flowmeter, level meter, level switch, level gauge, gas analyzer, gas detector, gas pressure regulator, gas filter. We have stock flowmeter from popular brands such as SENSUS, RMG, POWOGAZ, KRAL, IFM, Badge Meter.

Sensus Hot Water Mater WP Dynamic DN 50 PN 16 130 deg


Indotama Niaga Teknik sebagai distributor hot water meter terpercaya di Surabaya menawarkan produk-produk dari brand Sensus. Salah satu produknya yakni Sensus Hot Water Mater WP Dynamic DN 50 PN 16 130 deg. Fungsi produk ini adalah untuk mengukur laju aliran yang relatif tinggi dan konstan. Produk ini dapat memenuhi kebutuhan industri dan manufaktur.


Hot Water Mater WP Dynamic DN 50 PN 16 130 deg


- Rotor yang disesuaikan secara hidrodinamika terlindungi
- Perubahan keselarasan seimbang yang dilindungi
- Register tetap kedap udara (IP 68)
- Register dapat diputar hingga 360 derajat
- Kapasitas over-burden yang tinggi
- Komponen estimasi yang dapat dilepas
- Hingga 3 pulser (1 x OD, 2 x RD) dapat dipasang tanpa merusak approval seat

Sensus water meter wp dynamic cold water


Sebagai distributor, stockiest sensus meter air wp air dingin dinamis hingga 50 °C / PN 16 DN 40 ... DN 300, PT Indotama Niaga Teknik menawarkan produk dari brand sensus untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri dan manufaktur


Sensus water meter wp dynamic cold water


Register tertutup rapat (IP 68)
Rotor yang seimbang secara hidrodinamik yang dipatenkan
Penyesuaian kalibrasi simetris yang dipatenkan
Register dapat diputar hingga 360 °
Kemampuan kelebihan beban tinggi
Elemen pengukuran yang dapat dilepas yang disetujui pola
Lapisan bubuk memberikan perlindungan korosi maks.
Tidak terpengaruh oleh medan magnet eksternal

RMG TERZ 94 turbine meter


PT Indotama Niaga Teknik sebagai distributor RMG Menawarkan produk dari brand RMG yaitu RMG TERZ 94/94s turbine meter, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri dan manufaktur


RMG TERZ 94 94-S turbine meter


Untuk aplikasi sekunder
Dengan unit totalisasi elektronik
Tampilan aliran
Tampilan nilai aliran maksimum
Keluaran alarm
Kepala meteran yang dapat dilepas (untuk digunakan sebagai penghitung jarak jauh)
Transmisi digital dari pembacaan meter

Sensus MeiStream water meter DN 40 up to DN 300


Sebagai distributor water meter di surabaya . PT Indotama Niaga Teknik menawarkan produk dari brand sensus yaitu Sensus MeiStream water meter DN 40 up to DN 300 , untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri dan manufaktur


Sensus MeiStream water meter DN 40 up to DN 300



Siemens Flow meter sitrans fm mag 3100 P


Sebagai distributor flow meter di surabaya , PT Indotama Niaga Teknik menawarkan produk yaitu Siemens Flow meter sitrans fm mag 3100 P. untk memenuhi kebutuhan industri dan manufaktur


Siemens Flow meter sitrans fm mag 3100 P





Sealed register water proof (IP 67) Sealed register dapat diputar hingga 360° Hingga 3 pulser dapat dipasang tanpa merusak segel meter Perlindungan korosi maksimum dengan powder coating Tidak terpengaruh oleh medan magnet eksternal Elemen pengukur yang dapat dipertukarkan Data kinerja lebih baik dari kelas B


WP-QF Turbine Water Meter untuk air dingin hingga 40 °C untuk air panas hingga 130 °C PN25/40, DN 50 ... DN 300



Sensus WP QF cold


• Register kedap air yang disegel (IP 67) • Register tertutup dapat diputar hingga 355° • Hingga 3 pulser dapat dipasang tanpa merusak segel meteran • Perlindungan korosi maksimum dengan powder coating • Tidak terpengaruh oleh medan magnet luar • Elemen pengukur yang dapat dipertukarkan • Performa data lebih baik dari kelas B


Sensus Water Meter WP QF 



Sensus WPI water meter


Desain roda dayung menahan penyumbatan dan kerusakan meter dari padatan dalam air Register dial kering yang disegel memastikan pembacaan yang jelas Register dapat diputar hingga 360 untuk kemudahan membaca Penggerak magnet mengisolasi roda gigi register dari 'ujung basah





Aquametro Flow Meters


Distributor flow meter surabaya - Jual flow meter surabaya - Aquametro Flow Meters is a flow meter manufactured for oil, heavy oil, various oil fluids and the like. This flow meter is reliable for any application where oil is consumed. We have stocks product of Aquametro Flow Meters with the following types.


CONTOIL® VZO Mechanical Display -  

    Flow Meter Aquametro type VZO 4   
    Flow Meter Aquametro type VZO 8   
    Flow Meter Aquametro type VZO 15  FL 130/25
    Flow Meter Aquametro type VZO 20  FL 130/25
    Flow Meter Aquametro type VZO 25  FL 130/25
    Flow Meter Aquametro type VZO 40  FL 130/25
    Flow Meter Aquametro type VZO 50  FL 130/25
    Flow Meter Aquametro type VZO 15  RC 130/16
    Flow Meter Aquametro type VZO 20  RC 130/16
    Flow Meter Aquametro type VZO 25  RC 130/16
    Flow Meter Aquametro type VZO 40  RC 130/16

CONTOIL® VZF/II Electronic Display -  

    Flow Meter Aquametro type VZF 15  RC 130/16
    Flow Meter Aquametro type VZF 20  RC 130/16
    Flow Meter Aquametro type VZF 25  RC 130/16
    Flow Meter Aquametro type VZF 15  FL 130/25
    Flow Meter Aquametro type VZF 25  FL 130/25
    Flow Meter Aquametro type VZF II  15  FL 130/25
    Flow Meter Aquametro type VZF II  20  FL 130/25


    State-of-the-art design
    Electronic counter, mass flow, volume flow
    indication, multiple output signals
    Integrated temperature sensor
    No straight inlets or outlets required
    Independent of viscosity and temperature
    High vibration resistance
    Optional: metrological type approval
    Automatic medium switch based on temperature
    Mass flow measurements
    Highly flexible mounting with very small space requirements
    Reliable monitoring and flexible control of the system
    Accurate measurements
    A reliable solution with everything from a single supplier
    Simplifies consumption optimizing

IFM Flow Meters


Distributor flow meter surabaya - Jual flow meter surabaya - IFM flow sensors/flow meters is manufactured with a high protection rating, rugged casing and compact design. That way the IFM flow sensors/flow meters is very suitable for use in various media. We have stocks product of IFM Flow Sensors / Flow Meters with the following types.


IFM Magnetic-inductive volumetric flow meters :

    SM8621 -  
    SM7621 -  

IFM Vortex flow meters with display :

    SV4200 -  
    SV4504 -  

IFM Mechatronic flow meters with display :

    SBG232 -  
    SBG233 -  

IFM Compact flow sensors with display :

    SA5000 -  
    SA4100 -  

IFM Compact flow sensors in stainless steel housing :

    SI5004 -  
    SI5000 -  

IFM Compact flow sensors for hygienic areas :

    SA4100 -  
    SI6800 -  

IFM Modular flow monitoring :

    SN0150 -  
    SF5200 -  


    For liquids and gases
    Versions for the use in hygienic applications
    Variable process connection using adapters
    Flow monitoring also for aggressive media
    Precise detection of flow and medium temperature
    Suitable for water, deionised water, cooling water, coolants, oil and glycol solutions thanks to integrated measurement graphs
    Reliable backflow prevention with very fast response time
    With switching output, analogue output or frequency output and IO-Link
    Clearly visible LED display with red/green colour change
    Reliable detection of flow and medium temperature
    Precise linearized analogue output
    Display can be rotated for optimum alignment
    Precise measurement of flow, consumption and medium temperature
    High accuracy, repeatability and measurement dynamics
    No inlet and output pipe lengths required
    Any type...

RMG Flow Meter TME 400 Series


Distributor flow meter surabaya - Jual flow meter surabaya - RMG TME 400 is a new generation electronic turbine flow meter from RMG which has integrated electronic counter. Besides being able to display and counter readings, the TME 400 can also assess current flow.


    Flowmeter RMG type Electronic Turbin Gas Meter TME 400 -  
    Flowmeter RMG type Electronic Turbin Gas Meter TME 400 VC -  
    Flowmeter RMG type Electronic Turbin Gas Meter TME 400 VM -  
    Flowmeter RMG type Electronic Turbin Gas Meter TME 400 VCF -  
    Flowmeter RMG type Electronic Turbin Gas Meter TME 400 VMF -  


    Low-torque metering system with long-term stability
    Battery or mains operation with lithium cell for > 6 years
    Perlindungan ledakan 
    Serial RS 485 interface for Modbus connection
    Pulse output HF and LF (variable), alarm output, current output (4-20 mA, optional)
    Integrated fail-safe parameter, event and measured value archive
    Provided software for convenient parameterization and management of the device and the stored data
    Integrated fully-fledged compact volume corrector including digital pressure and temperature measurement
    Calculation according to SGERG88, AGA8 GROSS M1 and M2 as well as AGA8 NX19.
    Operating volume, standard volume, current and maximum flow can be displayed
    Inputs for pulses, pressure and temperature can be sealed separately from the rest. The lithium battery can be exchanged without opening the case

Sensus Flow Meter WS Dynamic Hot


Distributor flow meter - Jual flow meter . Sensus Flow Meter WS-Dynamic Hot is used for measuring low and medium flow rates with a variable flow profile. Flow Meter WS-Dynamic Hot is coated with a powder coating so that it is maximally protected from corrosion. We have stocks product of Flow Meter WP-Dynamic Hot Sensus with the following type. ~ Jual Sensus Flow Meter WS Dynamic Hot | Distributor Sensus Flow Meter WS Dynamic Hot | Sensus | Flow Meter


Sensus Flow Meter WS-Dynamic Hot


   Measuring range better than metrological class C
    Hermatically sealed register (IP 68)
    Interchangeable measuring element
    High overload capability
    Up to 3 pulsers (1 x OD,2 x RD) may be fitted without breaking the approval seal
    Register may be roated through 360°
    Powder coating ensures maximum corrosion protection
    Not affected by external magnetic fields
    Can be used as flow sensor for heat meters 

Sensus Flow Meter WP Dynamic


Distributor Sensus Flow Meter Surabaya - Jual flow meter . Sensus Flow Meter WP-Dynamic 50°C is manufactured with high quality. This flow meter can measure high and relatively constant flow rates. The media used for the flow meter is only for cold water up to 50°C. ~ Jual Sensus Flow Meter WP Dynamic | Distributor Sensus Flow Meter WP Dynamic | sensus | Flow Meter


Sensus Flow Meter WP Dynamic 50 °C


    Patented hydrodynamically balanced rotor (≤DN 300)
    Patented symmetrical calibration adjustment (≤DN 300)
    Up to 3 pulsers (1 x OD, 2 x RD) may be fitted without breaking the approval seal
    ¼” connection port for pressure sensors
    Hermetically sealed register (IP 68)
    Register may be rotated through 360°
    High overload capability
    Pattern approved removable measuring element
    Powder coating provides maximum corrosion protection

Sensus FM 1D K


FM-1D/K adalah konverter frekuensi-ke-arus yang dikontrol P dan indikator laju aliran. Ini mengubah pulsa input menjadi sinyal arus analog yang sebanding dengan laju aliran sesaat. FM-1D/K adalah frekuensi yang dikendalikan mikroprosesor ke konverter arus (µP) dan indikator laju aliran. Alat ini mengubah input menjadi sinyal arus analog yang sebanding dengan laju aliran dari waktu ke waktu


Flow Meter Sensus type FM-1D/K Sensus 


    User-friendly setup
    Wall-mounted or clipped onto a top hat rail acc. to EN 50022
    Pulse output through relay
    Current output 0 or 4 … 20 mA
    Test mode
    Setup of input and output pulse values

Sensus Flow Meter AN 130


Distributor flow meter surabaya - Jual flow meter .Sensus Flow Meter AN 130 is a flow meter equipped with hydraulic sensors. This sensor is multi-jet dry dial and is equipped with a propeller impeller. With this sensor the AN 130 is suitable for installation in remote warning systems.We have stocks product of flow meter AN 130 Sensus with the following types. ~ Jual Sensus Flow Meter AN 130 | Distributor Sensus Flow Meter AN 130


Flow Meter AN 130 Sensus


    Fully dry-dial meter with no gear reduction in the wet chamber
    Wear-resistant tungsten carbide/sapphire bearing
    Magnetic coupling protected against magnetite
    Pulse sender safe from interference
    Easy-to-repair construction with external regulation

Sensus Flow Meter MeiStreamRF


Distributor flow meter surabaya - Jual flow meter .MeistreamRF Sensus flow meter is a flow meter with radio system technology optimized for battery powered endpoints. Scalable for remote reading without component swapping. We have stocks product of flow meter MeiStream Sensus with the following types. ~ Jual Sensus Flow Meter MeiStreamRF | Distributor Sensus Flow Meter MeiStreamRF | Sensus | Flow meter


Sensus Flow Meter MeiStream RF


    High overload capability
    Protection IP68, water and dust resistant
    Secure encrypted data transmission
    ?Can be installed horizontally and vertically

Suchy Thermometers


Suchy thermometers adalah instrumen pengukur suhu yang cocok untuk berbagai aplikasi industri. Ini diproduksi dengan akurasi kelas 1, konstruksi sederhana, waktu respons singkat dan ideal untuk kondisi sulit. Ada berbagai versi untuk dipilih sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Kami memiliki stok produk Termometer Suchy dengan tipe sebagai berikut.


    Suchy Bimetal Thermometer Stainless steel TB-30 series
    Suchy Bimetal Thermometer Stainless steel TB-34 series
    Suchy Bimetal Thermometer Stainless steel, pivoting case TB-33 series
    Suchy Gas Thermometers Stainless steel version TG-30/TG-35 series
    Suchy Gas Thermometers Stainless steel version with capillary TG-32/TG-37 series
    Suchy Machinery - Thermometers TM-20/TM-25 series
    Suchy Thermometer with Bimetal coil Industry version TB-20 series
    Suchy Thermometer with Bimetal coil Industry version TB-24 series
    Suchy Thermometer with Bimetal coil Standard version TB-10 series
    Suchy Thermometer with Bimetal coil Standard version TB-14 series

