Distributor valve surabaya | Jual Produk Giuliani Anello
Giuliani Anello Air Gas Ratio Control Valve GAVR 25 , Giuliani Anello Air Gas Ratio Control Valve GAVR 20 , Giuliani anello Gas Filter 70631F 6B , Giuliani anello AIR GAS RATIO CONTROL VALVES GAVR 15 , Giuliani anello Air And Gas Filter 70600 , Sparepart burner Anello Gas Pressure Regulators , Sparepart burner Gas Filters , Sparepart burner Anello Anti Vibration Joint , Sparepart burner Anello Solenoid Valves , Anello Gas Pressure Regulators , Anello Gas Filters , Anello Anti Vibration Joint , Anello Solenoid Valves ,
Indotama Niaga Teknik sebagai distributor air gas ratio control valve terpercaya di Surabaya menawarkan produk-produk dari brand Giuliani Anello. Product tersebut adalah Giuliani Anello Air Gas Ratio Control Valve GAVR 25. Produk ini menjaga proporsi tekanan gas atau udara yang konstan dengan efektif dan untuk mengontrol tekanan gas dalam sistem. Produk ini dapat memenuhi kebutuhan industri dan manufaktur.
Indotama Niaga Teknik sebagai distributor air gas ratio control valve terpercaya di Surabaya menawarkan produk-produk dari brand Giuliani Anello. Product tersebut adalah Giuliani Anello Air Gas Ratio Control Valve GAVR 20. Produk ini menjaga proporsi tekanan gas atau udara yang konstan dengan efektif dan untuk mengontrol tekanan gas dalam sistem. Produk ini dapat memenuhi kebutuhan industri dan manufaktur.
Giuliani anello Gas Filter 70631F 6B, Filter gas aluminium; elemen filter berumur panjang dengan penyerapan debu tinggi yang terdiri dari dua Panel Viledon P15/500S disetujui untuk DIN EN779, sangkar filter sintetis dengan tulangan baja penetrationresistant; NBR menutupi O-ring. Cocok untuk gas yang diproduksi, gas alam, gas minyak cair (LPG), gas dan udara non-agresif. PN 6 dengan 2 titik penyadapan. Peringkat filtrasi: 50 μm. Kisaran suhu pengoperasian: -20÷80 °C.
Giuliani anello Gas Filter 70631F 6B
GAVR 15 Katup kontrol rasio udara/gas dengan tekanan masuk maks. 200mbar. tekanan saluran masuk udara 120mbar. Rasio 1:1. Laju aliran minimum yang dapat disesuaikan. Cocok untuk gas yang diproduksi, gas alam, cair gas minyak bumi (LPG), gas dan udara non-agresif. Kisaran suhu pengoperasian: -10÷60 °C
GAVR15 020.0001.101 ,1/2", outlet pressure 2-120 mbar GAVR20 020.0002.101 ,3/4", outlet pressure 2-120 mbar GAVR25 020.0003.101 ,1", outlet pressure 2-120 mbar GAVR32 020.0004.101 ,1.1/4", outlet pressure 2-120 mbar GAVR40 020.0005.101 ,1.1/2", outlet pressure 2-120 mbar GAVR50/40 020.0016.101 ,2", outlet pressure 2-120 mbar GAVR50 020.0006.101 ,2", outlet pressure 2-120 mbar
70600 Filter gas pemasangan dinding aluminium dengan penutup baja galvanis; Elemen filter Viledon P15/500S disetujui ke DIN EN779, kandang filter sintetis; NBR menutupi O-ring. Cocok untuk gas yang diproduksi, gas alam, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), gas dan udara non-agresif. Peringkat filtrasi 50 μm. PN 0,5. Rentang suhu operasi: -10÷80 °C.
70600 Series
Anello Gas Pressure Regulators is a tool for adjusting the gas outlet pressure suitable for the installation of automatic gas burner systems and for industrial distribution systems. It has a safety diaphragm that is incorporated to ensure that in the event of a breakdown of the operating diaphragm, no gas leakage is possible.
Gas Pressure Regulator Anello type FG1B Gas Pressure Regulator Anello type FS1B Gas Pressure Regulator Anello type ST4B
The gas governors are in accordance with UNI EN88-2 specification (2009/142/CE gas regulation). The governors are suitable to systems installation with automatic gas burners including mixed and combined systems and to in industrial distribution systems.
Sparepart burner Anello Gas Filters serves to prevent the entry of dust or dirt particles carried by gas and air. These gas filters are produced with high quality so that they can be operationalized over a long period of time.
Anello Gas filter 70600 Series Anello Gas filter type 70609 Rp 1/2" Anello Gas filter type 70608 Rp 3/4" Anello Gas filter 70600/1B Series Anello Gas filter type 70611/1B Rp 1/2" Anello Gas filter type 70612/1B Rp 3/4" Anello Gas filter type 70602/1B Rp 1" Anello Gas filter type 70604/1B Rp 1"1/4 Anello Gas filter type 70603/1B Rp 1"1/2 Anello Gas filter type 70631/1B Rp 2" Anello Gas filter type 70603F/6B DN 40 Anello Gas filter type 70631F/6B DN 50 Anello Gas filter type 70610F/6B DN 65 Anello Gas filter type 70620F/6B DN 80 Anello Gas filter type 70640F/6B DN 100 Anello Gas filter type 70650F/6B DN 125 Anello Gas filter type 70660F/6B DN 150 Anello Gas filter 70600/6B Series Anello Gas filter type 70611/6B Rp 1/2" Anello Gas filter type 70612/6B Rp 3/4" Anello Gas filter type 70602/6B Rp 1" Anello Gas filter type 70604/6B Rp 1"1/4 Anello Gas filter type 70603/6B Rp 1"1/2 Anello Gas filter type 70631/6B Rp 2" Anello Gas filter 70680 Series Anello Gas filter type 70684 Rp 1" Anello Gas filter type 70685 Rp 1.1/4" Anello Gas filter type 70686 Rp 1.1/2" Anello Gas filter type 70687 Rp 2"
Sparepart burner Distributor Anello Anti Vibration Joint - Anello Anti Vibration Joint is a connection tool that functions as a vibration damper in the gas fuel line. It is manufactured to standard-compliant specifications (DIN & ISO) and has been certified under the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED). We have stocks product of Anello Anti Vibration Joint with the following types
Anello Anti Vibration Joint type GA Anello Anti Vibration Joint type GAF
Sparepart burner Distributor Anello Solenoid Valves - Anello Solenoid Valves is a valve that is controlled by AC or DC electric current through the coil with manual reset. Equipped with IP 65 protection and suitable for gas & air.
Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV12/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV34/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV100/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV112/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV114/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV200/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV212/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV300/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV400/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV500/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV600/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV800/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV1200/6B
Anello Gas Pressure Regulators adalah alat untuk mengatur tekanan keluar gas yang cocok untuk pemasangan sistem pembakar gas otomatis dan untuk sistem distribusi industri. Ini memiliki diafragma pengaman yang digabungkan untuk memastikan bahwa jika terjadi kerusakan pada diafragma operasi, tidak ada kebocoran gas yang mungkin terjadi.
Gas Pressure Regulator Anello type FG1B Gas Pressure Regulator Anello type FS1B Gas Pressure Regulator Anello type ST4B
The gas governors are in accordance with UNI EN88-2 specification (2009/142/CE gas regulation). The governors are suitable to systems installation with automatic gas burners including mixed and combined systems and to in industrial distribution systems.
Anello Gas Filters berfungsi untuk mencegah masuknya partikel debu atau kotoran yang terbawa oleh gas dan udara. Filter gas ini diproduksi dengan kualitas tinggi sehingga dapat dioperasionalkan dalam jangka waktu yang lama.
Anello Gas filter 70600 Series Anello Gas filter type 70609 Rp 1/2" Anello Gas filter type 70608 Rp 3/4" Anello Gas filter 70600/1B Series Anello Gas filter type 70611/1B Rp 1/2" Anello Gas filter type 70612/1B Rp 3/4" Anello Gas filter type 70602/1B Rp 1" Anello Gas filter type 70604/1B Rp 1"1/4 Anello Gas filter type 70603/1B Rp 1"1/2 Anello Gas filter type 70631/1B Rp 2" Anello Gas filter type 70603F/6B DN 40 Anello Gas filter type 70631F/6B DN 50 Anello Gas filter type 70610F/6B DN 65 Anello Gas filter type 70620F/6B DN 80 Anello Gas filter type 70640F/6B DN 100 Anello Gas filter type 70650F/6B DN 125 Anello Gas filter type 70660F/6B DN 150 Anello Gas filter 70600/6B Series Anello Gas filter type 70611/6B Rp 1/2" Anello Gas filter type 70612/6B Rp 3/4" Anello Gas filter type 70602/6B Rp 1" Anello Gas filter type 70604/6B Rp 1"1/4 Anello Gas filter type 70603/6B Rp 1"1/2 Anello Gas filter type 70631/6B Rp 2" Anello Gas filter 70680 Series Anello Gas filter type 70684 Rp 1" Anello Gas filter type 70685 Rp 1.1/4" Anello Gas filter type 70686 Rp 1.1/2" Anello Gas filter type 70687 Rp 2"
Distributor Anello Anti Vibration Joint - Anello Anti Vibration Joint is a connection tool that functions as a vibration damper in the gas fuel line. It is manufactured to standard-compliant specifications (DIN & ISO) and has been certified under the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED). We have stocks product of Anello Anti Vibration Joint with the following types
Anello Anti Vibration Joint type GA Anello Anti Vibration Joint type GAF
Anello Solenoid Valves adalah katup yang dikendalikan oleh arus listrik AC atau DC melalui kumparan dengan reset manual. Dilengkapi dengan proteksi IP 65 dan cocok untuk gas & udara.
Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV12/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV34/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV100/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV112/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV114/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV200/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV212/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV300/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV400/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV500/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV600/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV800/6B Anello Gas Solenoid Valve type N.O. MSV1200/6B