
DUNGS is a German-based manufacturer that designs gas safety systems and control technologies for heating and gas-fired industries. DUNGS as a manufacturer also develops and manufactures innovative system solutions for the thermal heating and gas engine industries. DUNGS technology dominates the global market. Proven with more than 50 branch offices and representatives around the world. We are as one of the largest and leading distributors in Surabaya, sell DUNGS brand products such as single and double selenoid valves, ball valves, pressure switches, pressure regulators, gas multi block, gas filter and gas control security systems and accessories.

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Dungs Gas Regulator FRS 515 , Dungs Pressure Switch GW 50 A5 , Dungs Double solenoid valve DMV 5065 11 , Dungs Gas Regulator FRS 520 , Dungs Gas filter DN 40 to DN 200 , Dungs Safety Solenoid Valve Biogas DN 40 to DN 100 , Dungs Safety Solenoid Valve ATEX DN 10 to DN 150 , Dungs GasBloc Gas Control GB MP 055 D01 DN 15 , Dungs FRN Zero Pressure Regulator DN 40 to DN 100 , Dungs Differential Pressure Switch type AA A1 , Dungs Pressure regulator FRU Circulation regulator DN 40 DN 100 , Dungs FRNG Pressure Regulator DN 40 DN 50 , Dungs FRM NOC Medium Pressure Regulator , Dungs FRM Medium Pressure Regulator DN 65 DN 80 , Dungs FRM Medium Pressure Regulator DN 25 DN 50 , Sparepart burner Dungs Pressure regulator for DMv , Sparepart burner Dungs Ratio Regulator and Zero Governor , Sparepart burner Dungs Single stage safety solenoid valves , Sparepart burner Dungs GRMS , Sparepart burner Dungs Gas MultiBloc , Sparepart burner Dungs Double Solenoid Valve , Sparepart boiler Dungs Pressure Switches , Dungs Pressure regulator for DMV , Dungs Ratio Regulator and Zero Governor , Dungs Single stage safety solenoid valves , Dungs GRMS , Dungs Pressure Regulators , Dungs GasMultiBloc , Dungs Double Solenoid Valve , Dungs Gas Filter , Dungs Solenoid Valve , Dungs Pressure Switches , Dungs Ball Valve ,

Dungs Gas Regulator FRS 515

Dungs Gas Regulator FRS 515. Tipe gas regulator ini memiliki setpoin spring yang dapat diatur yang mana bisa mengatur tekanan keluaran berdasarkan bagaimana setpoin spring diatur dan posisi pemasanganya. Fungsi dari gas pressure regulator adalah untuk menghentikan aliran gas atau cairan ketika tekanan mencapai tingkat yang ditentukan.


Dungs Gas Regulator FRS 515



Dungs Pressure Switch GW 50 A5

Dungs Pressure Switch GW 50 A5 adalah sakelar tekanan kompak sesuai EN 1854 untuk beberapa aktuator DUNGS. Sakelar tekanan cocok untuk menghidupkan, mematikan, atau mematikan sirkuit pada perubahan tekanan aktual relatif terhadap titik sakelar yang disetel (nilai referensi).


Dungs Pressure Switch GW 50 A5



Dungs Double solenoid valve DMV 5065 11

Dungs Double solenoid valve DMV 5065 11 mengintegrasikan dua katup solenoida dalam satu fitting kompak. Konsumsi daya rendah, Ringan, Desain kompak, Laju aliran tinggi, Maks. tekanan operasi, 500 mbar (50 kPa)


DMV 5065/11



Dungs Gas Regulator FRS 520

Dungs Gas Regulator FRS 520 untuk pembakar gas dan peralatan gas. Ini tidak mengandung logam non-ferrous apa pun, cocok untuk gas hingga maks. 0,1 vol.% H2S, kering. Cocok untuk gas keluarga 1, 2, 3 dan media gas netral lainnya.


Dungs Gas regulator FRS 520



Dungs Gas filter DN 40 to DN 200

Dungs Gas filter DN 40 to DN 200. Sebagai distributor dungs di Surabaya, Indotama Niaga Teknik menawarkan produk-produk dari Dungs. Dungs Gas filter DN 40 to DN 200 dapat memenuhi kebutuhan industri dan manufaktur.


Dungs Gas filter DN 40 
Dungs Gas filter DN 40
Dungs Gas filter DN 50
Dungs Gas filter DN 65
Dungs Gas filter DN 80
Dungs Gas filter DN 100
Dungs Gas filter DN 125
Dungs Gas filter DN 150
Dungs Gas filter DN 200



Dungs Safety Solenoid Valve Biogas DN 40 to DN 100

Dungs Safety Solenoid Valve Biogas DN 40 to DN 100. Indotama Niaga Teknik sebagai distributor Dungs di Surabaya menawarkan produk unggulan dari Dungs. Dungs Safety Solenoid Valve Biogas DN 40 to DN 100 dapat memenuhi kebutuhan solenoid valve industri dan manufaktur di Indonesia.


Dungs Safety Solenoid Valve Biogas DN 40 to DN 100



Dungs Safety Solenoid Valve ATEX DN 10 to DN 150

Dungs Safety Solenoid Valve ATEX DN 10 to DN 150. Sebagai distributor Dungs di Surabaya, Indotama Niaga Teknik menawarkan produk dari brand Dungs. Dungs Safety Solenoid Valve ATEX DN 10 to DN 150 dapat memenuhi kebutuhan industri dan manufaktur. Segera hubungi kontak sales kami untuk mendapatkan penawaran dan harga terbaik dari kami.


GW ... A4/2 HP XPressure control device[-Au-M-V0]
GGW ... A4/2 XDifferential pressure switch(overpressure)[Au-M-MS9-V0-VS3]
GGW ... A4-U/2 XDifferential pressure switch(negative pressure)[Au-M-MS9-V0-VS3]



Dungs GasBloc Gas Control GB MP 055 D01 DN 15

Dungs GasBloc Gas Control GB MP 055 D01 DN 15. Sebagai distributor Dungs di Surabaya. Indotama Niaga Teknik menawarkan produk dari brand Dungs seperti Dungs GasBloc Gas Control GB MP 055 D01 DN 15. Produk ini dapat memenuhi kebutuhan manufaktur dan industri.


GB M 055 D01 DN 15



Dungs FRN Zero Pressure Regulator DN 40 to DN 100

Sebagai distributor dungs di surabaya Indotama Niaga Teknik Menawarkan produk dari brand dungs yaitu Dungs FRN Zero Pressure Regulator DN 40 to DN 100 type FRN 515,FRN 520,FRN 5040,FRN 5050,FRN 5065,FRN 5080,FRN 5100


FRN 515
FRN 520
FRN 5040
FRN 5050
FRN 5065
FRN 5080
FRN 5100



Dungs Differential Pressure Switch type AA A1

Dungs Differential Pressure Switch type AA A1. As a distributor of dungs in Indonesia, Indotama Niaga Teknik offers Dungs AA A1 Differential Pressure Switch for air or flue and exhaust gases to meet the needs of spare parts in industry and manufacturing.


Dungs AA A1 Differential Pressure Switch for air or flue and exhaust gases



Dungs Pressure regulator FRU Circulation regulator DN 40 DN 100

Dungs Pressure regulator FRU Circulation regulator DN 40 DN 100. Sebagai distributor spare part burner di Surabaya, Indotama Niaga Teknik menawarkan produk dari brand Dungs yaitu Pressure regulator FRU Circulation regulator DN 40 - DN 100. Dengan mengutamakan kualitas dan pelayanan, Indotama Niaga Teknik siap memenuhi kebutuhan sparepart di industri dan manufaktur.


Dungs Pressure regulator FRU Circulation regulator DN 40 DN 100



Dungs FRNG Pressure Regulator DN 40 DN 50

Dungs FRNG Pressure Regulator DN 40 DN 50. Sebagai distributor sparepart burner di Surabaya. Indotama Niaga Teknik menyediakan produk dari brand Dungs yaitu Dungs FRNG Pressure Regulator DN 40 DN 50, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri dan manufaktur. Segera hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan penawaran dan harga terbaik dari kami.


Dungs FRNG Pressure Regulator DN 40 DN 50



Dungs FRM NOC Medium Pressure Regulator

Dungs FRM NOC Medium Pressure Regulator. Sebagai distributor sparepart burner di Indonesia, Indotama Niaga Teknik menawarkan produk dari brand Dungs yaitu Medium Pressure Regulator FRM NOC. Dengan mengutamakan kualitas dan pelayanan, Indotama Niaga Teknik siap memenuhi kebutuhan spare part di industri dan manufaktur seluruh indonesia.


Dungs FRM NOC Medium Pressure Regulator



Dungs FRM Medium Pressure Regulator DN 65 DN 80

Dungs FRM Medium Pressure Regulator DN 65 DN 80. Indotama Niaga Teknik menawarkan produk dari brand Dungs yaitu FRM Medium Pressure Regulator DN 65 DN 80, sebagai distributor spare part burner di Indonesia, kami menawarkan produk dari merk Dungs untuk memenuhi kebutuhan spare part industri dan manufaktur. Anda bisa menghubungi kami untuk mendapatkan penawaran dan harga terbaik dari kami.


FRM Medium Pressure Regulator DN 65 DN 80



Dungs FRM Medium Pressure Regulator DN 25 DN 50

Dungs FRM Medium Pressure Regulator DN 25 DN 50. Indotama Niaga Teknik menawarkan produk dari brand dungs yaitu FRM Medium Pressure Regulator DN 25, sebagai distributor sparepart burner di Surabaya, kami menawarkan produk dari brand dungs untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sparepart industri dan manufaktur. Anda dapat menghubungi kami untuk mendapatkan penawaran dan harga terbaik dari kami.


FRM Medium Pressure Regulator DN 25 DN 50



Sparepart burner Dungs Pressure regulator for DMv

-Distributor Dungs Pressure regulator, Pressure regulator - .The FRI/6 balancing type pressure regulator combines a pressure regulator and a 50 micron gas filter in one housing. Various combinations are possible using the FRI/6 with the most of the DMV shutoff valves for a compact modular system


FRI 705/6 -FRI 707/6 
FRI 710/6 -FRI 712/6 



Sparepart burner Dungs Ratio Regulator and Zero Governor

The FRG ratio regulator/zero governor has an adjustable setpoint spring and non adjustable counterspring. - Distributor dungs, distributor gas regulator valve -


FRG 705/6 
FRG 707/6 
FRG 710/6 
FRG 712/6 
FRG 715/6
FRG 720/6
FRG 725/6 



Sparepart burner Dungs Single stage safety solenoid valves

Sparepart burner Distributor dungs - Distributor solenoid valve - .The DUNGS safety solenoid valve MV/4, MVD, MVD/5, MVDLE/5 is a single-stage automatic shut-off valve as per EN 161 for gas burners and gas appliance.


MV/4, MV/5 Single-stage solenoid valve, normally when closed, fast opening, fast closing.

MVD/5 Single-stage solenoid valve, normally when closed, fast opening, fast closing, manual limitation of
flowing gas volume by adjusting main volume.

MVDLE/5 One-stage solenoid valve, normally when closed, slow opening, fast closing. Opening time adjustment with fast stroke range. Main volume adjustment.



Sparepart burner Dungs GRMS

Distributor Dungs GRMS - Dungs designs gas installations for all types of applications, regardless of the problems that may arise. Dungs offers expert expertise in gas equipment, with the assurance of finding the best solution for specific conditions.


Gas Control, Measurement and Safety Systems (GRMS)


    High-performance gas engine operated with low BTU gas equipped with Tecjet
    Cogeneration unit operated with wood gas - GRS with separate connection options for pre-purging with hot nitrogen for temperature control and inertisation
    Gas engine for dual-fuel operation
    Glass furnace
    Tunnel furnace for firing ceramic building materials
    Continuous drying furnace for sanitary engineering
    Baking unit for waffle production

Sparepart burner Dungs Gas MultiBloc

Sparepart burner pressure regulator permits optimal mixture formation in forced air burners and premix burners in combination with mechanical or electronic gas/air regulation units. This applies to modulating and multistage variable operating modes. We have stocks product of Gas Multi Block Dungs with the following types.


Dungs GasMultiBloc MBC

    This MB GasMultiBloc MBC integrates a filter, servo pressure regulator, two class A valves and a pressure switch in one compact unit. They represent the newest and most modern series of Dungs gas blocks.
    The modular system provides individual solutions in gas safety and control systems
    MBC-65 and MBC-120 models are used for one-stage mode burners. In MBC-...-SE models the servo pressure regulator permits optimal mixture formation in forced air burners and premix burners in conjunction with mechanical or electronic integrated gas-air regulation units; it applies to modulating and multi-stage operating mode.
    The two valves are fast opening and fast closing, the dirt trap is different according to the type (see table below).
    Different pressure switch types mountable: GW A5, GW A2, NB A2, UB A2. Standard equipped with GW 150 A5.
    Reference value spring is installed permanently, no spring replacement possible for MBC-65 and MBC-120. Bigger models have different type of springs for different pressure ranges. They can also be equipped with versions for zero pressure and gas-air ratio control .
    Optional external pulse for MBC-1900 - 5000.
    High flow valves at low pressure difference.
    Simple mounting, compact, light-weight.
    MBC-...-SE can also be used to replace the old double solenoid gas valves DMV-SE and MBC-...-VEF replaces DMV-VEF.
    Suitable for gases of families 1, 2, 3 and other neutral gaseous media.

Dungs GasMultiBloc MB-DLE - Single Stage Operation

    This GasMultiBloc MB-DLE integrates a filter, pressure regulator, two class A valves, a bypass valve (B07) and pressure switches in one compact fitting.
    The modular system permits individual solutions by using external ignition gas tap in connection with separately controlled valves, by adding a valve proving system, min/max pressure switches, pressure limiters, partial volume setting by closing stroke limiter at valve V2 and regulator blocking for liquid gas applications.
    Maximum operating pressure is 360 mbar (200 mbar for MB-DLE 403), ambient temperature -15÷70ºC (only above 0 for LPG), degree of protection IP 54.
    The two valves are controlled in common or separated, depending on the model; both are fast closing. V1 is with fast-opening and V2 with slow-opening
    Main volume restrictor at valve V2.
    MB-DLE B07 series has an additional bypass valve with fast opening.
    Different pressure switch types mountable: GW A5, GW A2, NB A2, UB A2. Standard equipped with GW 150 A5.
    The pressure regulator has a setpoint spring permanently installed, no exchange possible. A vent line above roof is not required.
    MB-DLE 403-412 models have a fine mesh sieve, replacement only possible by dismounting the fitting. MB-DLE 415 and 420 have a pre-mount filter that can be changed without removing the valve.
    Simple mounting, compact, light-weight.
    Suitable for gases of families 1, 2, 3 and other neutral gaseous media.

Dungs GasMultiBloc MB-ZRDLE (MB-ZR) - Two Stage Operation

    This MB GasMultiBloc MB-ZRDLE integrates a filter, pressure regulator, two class A valves, a bypass valve (B07) and pressure switches in one compact fitting.
    The modular system permits individual solutions by using external ignition gas tap in connection with separately controlled valves, by adding a valve proving system, min/max pressure switches, pressure limiters, limit switch and closing stroke limiter at valve V2, regulator blocking for liquid gas applications.
    Maximum operating pressure is 360 mbar, ambient temperature -15÷70ºC (only above 0 for LPG), degree of protection IP 54.
    The two valves are controlled in common or separated, depending on the model; both are fast closing. V1 is with fast-opening and V2 with fast or slow-opening
    Main volume restrictor and partial volume restrictor at valve V2.
    MB-ZRDLE B07 series has an additional bypass valve with one stage and fast opening.
    Different pressure switch types mountable: GW A5, NB A2, UB A2. Standard equipped with GW 150 A5.
    The pressure regulator has a setpoint spring permanently installed, no exchange possible. A vent line above roof is not required.
    MB-ZRDLE 405-412 models have a fine mesh sieve, replacement only possible by dismounting the fitting. MB-ZRDLE 415 and 420 have a pre-mount filter that can be changed without removing the valve.
    Simple mounting, compact, light-weight.
    Suitable for gases of families 1, 2, 3 and other neutral gaseous media.

Dungs GasMultiBloc MB-VEF

    This GasMultiBloc MB-VEF integrates a filter, gas/air ratio controls, two class A valves and a pressure switch.
    The gas/air ratio control ensures optimal mixture formation in forced air burners and pre-mix burners; this applies to floating and two-step floating operations.
    Maximum operating pressure is 360 mbar, output pressure range 0.5÷100 mbar, ambient temperature -15÷70ºC.
    Ratio V = pburner/pblower, air 0.75:1 up to 3:1.
    Zero point adjustment N.
    Different pressure switch types mountable: GW A5, GW A2, NB A2, UB A2. Standard equipped with GW 150 A5.
    External pulse lines, pulse flange.
    The modular kit ensures individual solutions comprising valve proving system, min/max pressure switches and pressure limiters.
    Suitable for gases of families 1, 2, 3 and other neutral gaseous media.


    Ease of installation
    Suitable for high pressure applications
    Longer service life
    Efficient regulation operation  
    We have following Items in our stock.
    Burner Management Systems Automatic Burner Controls
    Pressure regulators Pressure switches for gas and air
    Solenoid valves
    Double solenoid valves Multi Block.
    Gas Multi Block Multifunctional gas controls
    Valve proving systems Line leakage testers Laboratory
    System engineering Gas trains
    Ball valve Filters
    Motor butterfly valves & Actuators

Sparepart burner Dungs Double Solenoid Valve

DUNGS DMV integrates two solenoid valves in one compact fitting. Double solenoid valves are used where two single valve were mounted previously. We have stocks product of Double Solenoid Valve Dungs with the following types.


    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 5 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 11 eco -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 12 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 525 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 602 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 604L NEMA 4x -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 622 & POC -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 624L NEMA 4 & POC -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 704 NEMA 4 & POC -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 704 NEMA 4 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 50050 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV eco 6xx -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV ZR 602 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV ZR 612 & POC -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV-D(LE) 11 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV-D11 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV-SE 507-525 11 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV-VEF 507-525 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve Vent Line Adapter DMV 7xx -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV & Vent Line Adapter -  


    Low power consumption
    Low weight
    Compact design
    High flow rates
    Max. operating pressure 500 mbar (50 kPa), 5000 mbar (5 bar, 500 kPa)
    Fast closing
    Fast opening
    Automatic shut-off valves as per DIN EN 161 Class A Group 2
    Two A valves in one housing
    Double seat valves
    Mountable closed position signal contact
    DC solenoid
    CSA Certified
    EU Gas Appliance Regulation EN161
    DUNGS is an ISO 9001 manufacturing facility

Sparepart boiler Dungs Pressure Switches

Dungs pressure switches designed for automatic burner controls, for usage in furnace, ventilation and air conditioning applications. Can be used as differential pressure switches for air and as an over-pressure switch for gas. We have stock products of pressure switches for gas and air Dungs with the following types.


    Dungs Pressure Switch AA-A1... AA-A2... AA-A4... AA-C2...
    Dungs Pressure Switch ATEX
    Dungs Pressure Switch Biogas
    Dungs Pressure Switch GAO-A2... GAO-A4... GGAO-A4...
    Dungs Pressure Switch GGW-A4...
    Dungs Pressure Switch GW 500 A4, GW 500 A4/2, GW A4/2 HP SGS, GW...A2...SGV
    Dungs Pressure Switch GW...A5, GW...A6
    Dungs Pressure Switch GW/LGW
    Dungs Pressure Switch KS...A2-7
    Dungs Pressure Switch LGW A2-LGW A2P-LGW A2-7
    Dungs Pressure Switch LGW...A1, LGW...A2, LGW...A4


    UL Recognized (UL 353)
    CSA Certified (CSA C22.2 No. 14)
    FM Approved (Class 3510, 3530)
    Commonwealth of Massachusetts Approved Product
    DUNGS is an ISO 9001 manufacturing facility

Dungs Pressure regulator for DMV

-Distributor Dungs Pressure regulator, Pressure regulator - .The FRI/6 balancing type pressure regulator combines a pressure regulator and a 50 micron gas filter in one housing. Various combinations are possible using the FRI/6 with the most of the DMV shutoff valves for a compact modular system


FRI 705/6 -FRI 707/6 
FRI 710/6 -FRI 712/6 



Dungs Ratio Regulator and Zero Governor

The FRG ratio regulator/zero governor has an adjustable setpoint spring and non adjustable counterspring. - Distributor dungs, distributor gas regulator valve -


FRG 705/6 
FRG 707/6 
FRG 710/6 
FRG 712/6 
FRG 715/6
FRG 720/6
FRG 725/6 



Dungs Single stage safety solenoid valves

Distributor dungs - Distributor solenoid valve - .The DUNGS safety solenoid valve MV/4, MVD, MVD/5, MVDLE/5 is a single-stage automatic shut-off valve as per EN 161 for gas burners and gas appliance.


MV/4, MV/5 Single-stage solenoid valve, normally when closed, fast opening, fast closing.

MVD/5 Single-stage solenoid valve, normally when closed, fast opening, fast closing, manual limitation of
flowing gas volume by adjusting main volume.

MVDLE/5 One-stage solenoid valve, normally when closed, slow opening, fast closing. Opening time adjustment with fast stroke range. Main volume adjustment.



Dungs GRMS

Distributor Dungs GRMS - Dungs merancang instalasi gas untuk semua jenis aplikasi, terlepas dari masalah yang mungkin timbul. Dungs menawarkan keahlian ahli dalam peralatan gas, dengan jaminan menemukan solusi terbaik untuk kondisi tertentu.


Gas Control, Measurement and Safety Systems (GRMS)


    High-performance gas engine operated with low BTU gas equipped with Tecjet
    Cogeneration unit operated with wood gas - GRS with separate connection options for pre-purging with hot nitrogen for temperature control and inertisation
    Gas engine for dual-fuel operation
    Glass furnace
    Tunnel furnace for firing ceramic building materials
    Continuous drying furnace for sanitary engineering
    Baking unit for waffle production

Dungs Pressure Regulators

Pressure regulator ini dirancang untuk kompor gas dan peralatan gas. Ini memiliki pegas setpoint yang dapat disesuaikan yang dapat ditukar dengan rentang rentang yang berbeda. Kami memiliki stok produk Pressure Regulator Dungs dengan tipe sebagai berikut.


    Dungs Pressure Regulator FRG -  
    Dungs Pressure Regulator FRI -  
    Dungs Pressure Regulator FRM DN 25 – DN 50 -  
    Dungs Pressure Regulator FRM DN 65 – DN 80 -  
    Dungs Pressure Regulator FRM-NOC -  
    Dungs Pressure Regulator FRNG  -  
    Dungs Pressure Regulator FRS -  
    Dungs Pressure Regulator FRS -  
    Dungs Pressure Regulator FRS -  
    Dungs Pressure Regulator FRSBV -  
    Dungs Pressure Regulator FRSBV -  
    Dungs Pressure Regulator FRU -  
    Dungs Pressure Regulator SAV DN 25 - DN 50 -  
    Dungs Pressure Regulator SAV DN 65 - DN 80 -  


    Inlet pressures up to 25 bar (2 500 kPa)
    High flow rate
    Stable, accurate and sensitive regulation of the outlet pressure
    Admission pressure compensation diaphragm for a high regulation accuracy
    External impulse
    Flange connection according to DN 25 - DN 50
    CSA Certified
    European Community
    UL Unlisted Component
    Commonwealth of Massachsetts Approved Product
    US, Canadian and EU Models
    DUNGS is an ISO 9001 manufacturing facility

Dungs GasMultiBloc

The servo pressure regulator memungkinkan pembentukan campuran yang optimal dalam pembakar udara paksa dan pembakar premix dalam kombinasi dengan unit pengatur gas/udara mekanis atau elektronik. Ini berlaku untuk mode operasi variabel modulasi dan multistage. Kami memiliki stok produk Gas Multi Block Dungs dengan tipe sebagai berikut.


Dungs GasMultiBloc MBC

    This MB GasMultiBloc MBC integrates a filter, servo pressure regulator, two class A valves and a pressure switch in one compact unit. They represent the newest and most modern series of Dungs gas blocks.
    The modular system provides individual solutions in gas safety and control systems
    MBC-65 and MBC-120 models are used for one-stage mode burners. In MBC-...-SE models the servo pressure regulator permits optimal mixture formation in forced air burners and premix burners in conjunction with mechanical or electronic integrated gas-air regulation units; it applies to modulating and multi-stage operating mode.
    The two valves are fast opening and fast closing, the dirt trap is different according to the type (see table below).
    Different pressure switch types mountable: GW A5, GW A2, NB A2, UB A2. Standard equipped with GW 150 A5.
    Reference value spring is installed permanently, no spring replacement possible for MBC-65 and MBC-120. Bigger models have different type of springs for different pressure ranges. They can also be equipped with versions for zero pressure and gas-air ratio control .
    Optional external pulse for MBC-1900 - 5000.
    High flow valves at low pressure difference.
    Simple mounting, compact, light-weight.
    MBC-...-SE can also be used to replace the old double solenoid gas valves DMV-SE and MBC-...-VEF replaces DMV-VEF.
    Suitable for gases of families 1, 2, 3 and other neutral gaseous media.

Dungs GasMultiBloc MB-DLE - Single Stage Operation

    This GasMultiBloc MB-DLE integrates a filter, pressure regulator, two class A valves, a bypass valve (B07) and pressure switches in one compact fitting.
    The modular system permits individual solutions by using external ignition gas tap in connection with separately controlled valves, by adding a valve proving system, min/max pressure switches, pressure limiters, partial volume setting by closing stroke limiter at valve V2 and regulator blocking for liquid gas applications.
    Maximum operating pressure is 360 mbar (200 mbar for MB-DLE 403), ambient temperature -15÷70ºC (only above 0 for LPG), degree of protection IP 54.
    The two valves are controlled in common or separated, depending on the model; both are fast closing. V1 is with fast-opening and V2 with slow-opening
    Main volume restrictor at valve V2.
    MB-DLE B07 series has an additional bypass valve with fast opening.
    Different pressure switch types mountable: GW A5, GW A2, NB A2, UB A2. Standard equipped with GW 150 A5.
    The pressure regulator has a setpoint spring permanently installed, no exchange possible. A vent line above roof is not required.
    MB-DLE 403-412 models have a fine mesh sieve, replacement only possible by dismounting the fitting. MB-DLE 415 and 420 have a pre-mount filter that can be changed without removing the valve.
    Simple mounting, compact, light-weight.
    Suitable for gases of families 1, 2, 3 and other neutral gaseous media.

Dungs GasMultiBloc MB-ZRDLE (MB-ZR) - Two Stage Operation

    This MB GasMultiBloc MB-ZRDLE integrates a filter, pressure regulator, two class A valves, a bypass valve (B07) and pressure switches in one compact fitting.
    The modular system permits individual solutions by using external ignition gas tap in connection with separately controlled valves, by adding a valve proving system, min/max pressure switches, pressure limiters, limit switch and closing stroke limiter at valve V2, regulator blocking for liquid gas applications.
    Maximum operating pressure is 360 mbar, ambient temperature -15÷70ºC (only above 0 for LPG), degree of protection IP 54.
    The two valves are controlled in common or separated, depending on the model; both are fast closing. V1 is with fast-opening and V2 with fast or slow-opening
    Main volume restrictor and partial volume restrictor at valve V2.
    MB-ZRDLE B07 series has an additional bypass valve with one stage and fast opening.
    Different pressure switch types mountable: GW A5, NB A2, UB A2. Standard equipped with GW 150 A5.
    The pressure regulator has a setpoint spring permanently installed, no exchange possible. A vent line above roof is not required.
    MB-ZRDLE 405-412 models have a fine mesh sieve, replacement only possible by dismounting the fitting. MB-ZRDLE 415 and 420 have a pre-mount filter that can be changed without removing the valve.
    Simple mounting, compact, light-weight.
    Suitable for gases of families 1, 2, 3 and other neutral gaseous media.

Dungs GasMultiBloc MB-VEF

    This GasMultiBloc MB-VEF integrates a filter, gas/air ratio controls, two class A valves and a pressure switch.
    The gas/air ratio control ensures optimal mixture formation in forced air burners and pre-mix burners; this applies to floating and two-step floating operations.
    Maximum operating pressure is 360 mbar, output pressure range 0.5÷100 mbar, ambient temperature -15÷70ºC.
    Ratio V = pburner/pblower, air 0.75:1 up to 3:1.
    Zero point adjustment N.
    Different pressure switch types mountable: GW A5, GW A2, NB A2, UB A2. Standard equipped with GW 150 A5.
    External pulse lines, pulse flange.
    The modular kit ensures individual solutions comprising valve proving system, min/max pressure switches and pressure limiters.
    Suitable for gases of families 1, 2, 3 and other neutral gaseous media.


    Ease of installation
    Suitable for high pressure applications
    Longer service life
    Efficient regulation operation  
    We have following Items in our stock.
    Burner Management Systems Automatic Burner Controls
    Pressure regulators Pressure switches for gas and air
    Solenoid valves
    Double solenoid valves Multi Block.
    Gas Multi Block Multifunctional gas controls
    Valve proving systems Line leakage testers Laboratory
    System engineering Gas trains
    Ball valve Filters
    Motor butterfly valves & Actuators

Dungs Double Solenoid Valve

DUNGS DMV integrates two solenoid valves dalam satu fitting kompak. Katup solenoida ganda digunakan di mana dua katup tunggal dipasang sebelumnya. Kami memiliki stock produk Double Solenoid Valve Dungs dengan tipe sebagai berikut.


    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 5 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 11 eco -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 12 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 525 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 602 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 604L NEMA 4x -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 622 & POC -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 624L NEMA 4 & POC -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 704 NEMA 4 & POC -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 704 NEMA 4 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV 50050 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV eco 6xx -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV ZR 602 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV ZR 612 & POC -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV-D(LE) 11 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV-D11 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV-SE 507-525 11 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV-VEF 507-525 -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve Vent Line Adapter DMV 7xx -  
    Dungs Double Solenoid Valve DMV & Vent Line Adapter -  


    Low power consumption
    Low weight
    Compact design
    High flow rates
    Max. operating pressure 500 mbar (50 kPa), 5000 mbar (5 bar, 500 kPa)
    Fast closing
    Fast opening
    Automatic shut-off valves as per DIN EN 161 Class A Group 2
    Two A valves in one housing
    Double seat valves
    Mountable closed position signal contact
    DC solenoid
    CSA Certified
    EU Gas Appliance Regulation EN161
    DUNGS is an ISO 9001 manufacturing facility

Dungs Gas Filter

Dungs Gas Filter. Filter gas dan udara GF ini memiliki kapasitas penyimpanan debu yang tinggi dan dirancang untuk melindungi alat kelengkapan hilir. Kami memiliki stock produk gas filter Dungs dengan tipe sebagai berikut.


    Gas and air filter Dungs GF/1: Rp ½ – Rp 2
    Gas and air filter Dungs GF/3: DN 25 – DN 40, DN 125 – DN 200
    Gas and air filter Dungs GF/4: DN 50 – DN 100


    Filter for interior gas lines, acc. DIN 3386 (max 5 bar) with high dust storage capacity.
    Type GF/1, GF/3, GF/4 gas and air filter for protecting downstream fittings. 
    Filter suitable for gases of families 1, 2, 3 and other neutral gaseous media.

Dungs Solenoid Valve

Dungs Solenoid Valve paling banyak digunakan di industri untuk menghentikan, melepaskan, mendistribusikan atau mencampur cairan. Indotama Niaga Teknik sebagai distributor produk Dungs dengan berbagai jenis. Kami memiliki stok produk Solenoid Valve Dungs dengan tipe sebagai berikut.


Dungs Solenoid Valve ATEX - DOWNLOAD
Dungs Solenoid Valve Biogas - DOWNLOAD
Dungs Solenoid Valve GSV - DOWNLOAD
Dungs Solenoid Valve HPSV - DOWNLOAD
Dungs Solenoid Valve HSAV, HSAV5 - DOWNLOAD
Dungs Solenoid Valve LGV5 - DOWNLOAD
Dungs Solenoid Valve LV-D - DOWNLOAD
Dungs Solenoid Valve LV-D4, LV-D5 - DOWNLOAD
Dungs Solenoid Valve MV 10 - DOWNLOAD
Dungs Solenoid Valve MV 502 - DOWNLOAD
Dungs Solenoid Valve MV4, MVD, MVD5, MVDLE5 DOWNLOAD
Dungs Solenoid Valve MVD6 - DOWNLOAD
Dungs Solenoid Valve SV Safety DOWNLOAD
Dungs Solenoid Valve SV604 - DOWNLOAD
Dungs Solenoid Valve SV614 - DOWNLOAD
Dungs Solenoid Valve ZRLE5, ZRDLE5 - DOWNLOAD


    Max. operating pressure 200 mbar (20 kPa)
    Closed when de-energised
    GSV: fast opening
    GSV-LE: slow opening (LE) with adjustable fast stroke for start gas volume
    GSV-DLE: Main volume (D) adjustable, slow opening
    DC solenoid, rectifier circuit in the line socket
    Pipe thread as per ISO 7/1: Rp ? - Rp 2
    suitable for high switching cycle numbers up to Rp 1
    Reliable function, rugged and maintenance-free
    Gas equipment safety and functional safety
    Electrical safety
    Electromagnetic compatibility (interference immunity)
    Resistance to biogases and flue gases of biogases
    Technical tightness
    Without current closed
    Main flow adjustable
    DC solenoid, rectifier wiring in connector box with connecting cable 5 m
    Flange connection acc. to DIN 26 33, ISO 7005

Dungs Pressure Switches

Dungs pressure switches ,dirancang untuk kontrol pembakar otomatis, untuk penggunaan di tungku, ventilasi dan aplikasi pendingin udara. Dapat digunakan sebagai sakelar tekanan diferensial untuk udara dan sebagai sakelar tekanan berlebih untuk gas. Kami memiliki stok produk pressure switch untuk gas dan air Dungs dengan tipe sebagai berikut.


    Dungs Pressure Switch AA-A1... AA-A2... AA-A4... AA-C2...
    Dungs Pressure Switch ATEX
    Dungs Pressure Switch Biogas
    Dungs Pressure Switch GAO-A2... GAO-A4... GGAO-A4...
    Dungs Pressure Switch GGW-A4...
    Dungs Pressure Switch GW 500 A4, GW 500 A4/2, GW A4/2 HP SGS, GW...A2...SGV
    Dungs Pressure Switch GW...A5, GW...A6
    Dungs Pressure Switch GW/LGW
    Dungs Pressure Switch KS...A2-7
    Dungs Pressure Switch LGW A2-LGW A2P-LGW A2-7
    Dungs Pressure Switch LGW...A1, LGW...A2, LGW...A4


    UL Recognized (UL 353)
    CSA Certified (CSA C22.2 No. 14)
    FM Approved (Class 3510, 3530)
    Commonwealth of Massachusetts Approved Product
    DUNGS is an ISO 9001 manufacturing facility

Dungs Ball Valve

Dungs Ball Valve memiliki desain produk kokoh dan sangat ramah pengguna. Indotama Niaga Teknik sebagai distributor terpercaya di Surabaya menawarkan produk Ball Valve dari brand Dungs. Kami memiliki stok produk Dungs Ball Valve dengan berbagai jenis. Produk-produk tersebut dapat memenuhi kebutuhan ball valve untuk industri dan manufaktur.


Ball Valve Dungs KH 50 KH 160 - DOWNLOAD
Ball Valve Dungs KH 01/6 Series - DOWNLOAD


    High tightness
    Compact settlement
    Environment friendly
    Rugged and very user-friendly design