AL-150 Series safety valve and AL-140 series safety valve terutama digunakan dalam berbagai sistem tekanan di boiler, perangkat instrumentasi dan outlet katup pengurang tekanan untuk mencegah kecelakaan yang disebabkan oleh tekanan abnormal. Kami memiliki stok produk Safety Valve Yoshitake dengan type sebagai berikut. Kami memiliki stok produk Safety Valve Yoshitake dengan tipe sebagai berikut.
Safety Valve Yoshitake AL 250-250R Safety Valve Yoshitake AL 260-260R Safety Valve Yoshitake AL-10 Safety Valve Yoshitake AL-17 Safety Valve Yoshitake AL-24 Safety Valve Yoshitake AL-27 Safety Valve Yoshitake AL-140 Safety Valve Yoshitake AL-140H Safety Valve Yoshitake AL-150 Safety Valve Yoshitake AL-150L Safety Valve Yoshitake AL-150TML Safety Valve Yoshitake AL-150TR Safety Valve Yoshitake? AL-300,301
Small and compact lever type Superior durability due to stainless steel made valve and valve seat Blow-off test can be executed manually Any Type
Popular Tags :
Sparepart boiler Safety Valve Yoshitake | Aquametro | Ari Armaturen | Asahi | Badger Meter | Beru | Condor |
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