Sparepart burner Anello Gas Pressure Regulators

Sparepart burner Anello Gas Pressure Regulators
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Anello Gas Pressure Regulators is a tool for adjusting the gas outlet pressure suitable for the installation of automatic gas burner systems and for industrial distribution systems. It has a safety diaphragm that is incorporated to ensure that in the event of a breakdown of the operating diaphragm, no gas leakage is possible.
Brand :

Giuliani Anello

Kategori :

Burner Parts

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Distributor Sparepart burner Anello Gas Pressure Regulators Surabaya

Anello Gas Pressure Regulators adalah alat untuk mengatur tekanan keluar gas yang cocok untuk pemasangan sistem pembakar gas otomatis dan untuk sistem distribusi industri. Ini memiliki diafragma pengaman yang digabungkan untuk memastikan bahwa jika terjadi kerusakan pada diafragma operasi, tidak ada kebocoran gas yang mungkin terjadi.


    Gas Pressure Regulator Anello type FG1B
    Gas Pressure Regulator Anello type FS1B
    Gas Pressure Regulator Anello type ST4B


    The gas governors are in accordance with UNI EN88-2 specification (2009/142/CE gas regulation).
    The governors are suitable to systems installation with automatic gas burners including mixed and combined systems and to in industrial distribution systems.