Sparepart burner Italpump Gas Pressure Regulators

Sparepart burner Italpump Gas Pressure Regulators
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Italpump Gas Pressure Regulators is a tool for adjusting the pressure of gas and air outlets using a regulation screw as a pressure regulating device. This tool is equipped with several safety devices, a compact design, and is reliable and suitable for use in household and industrial installations.
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Burner Parts

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Distributor Sparepart burner Italpump Gas Pressure Regulators Surabaya

Sparepart burner Italpump Gas Pressure Regulators adalah alat untuk mengatur tekanan keluar gas dan udara menggunakan ulir pengatur sebagai alat pengatur tekanan. Alat ini dilengkapi dengan beberapa alat pengaman, desain yang kompak, dan dapat diandalkan serta cocok digunakan pada instalasi rumah tangga dan industri.


    Italpump Gas Regulator type IR0
    Italpump Gas Regulator type IR1-2
    Italpump Gas Regulator type IR3-5
    Italpump Gas Regulator type IR5 32-100
    Italpump Gas Regulator type IRZ 


   EC certifi ed according to EN 88-2
    In conformity with the 2009/142/EC Directive (Gas Directive)
    In conformity with the 94/9/EC Directive (ATEX Directive)
    In conformity with the 97/23/EC Directive (PED Directive)

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